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Mosquito Killer for a Pond

A pond is an aesthetic and relaxing outdoor feature unless it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. In that case, you will likely be spending more time indoors rather than outdoors. Effective elimination of mosquito populations can get you back outside enjoying your pond.
  1. Predator vs. Prey

    • Take advantage of natural predator and prey relationships to control mosquito populations in your pond. Fish naturally prey on adult mosquitoes as well as their larvae. Consider adding fish to your pond, especially species that are surface feeders. Also, make sure the resident fish have complete access to all surfaces of the pond by trimming back overhanging plants and removing algal growths

    Bacterial Control

    • A bacterium named Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis effectively kills mosquito larvae without harming other beneficial aquatic insects. Manufacturers add this microbial insecticide to products available to homeowners at pond supply stores and nurseries. The products are in solid form and dissolve slowly over time.

    Mosquito Control Professionals

    • Several other products exist that will kill mosquitoes effectively, but are available only to mosquito control professionals. These include oils and compounds containing methoprene. Contact your local mosquito abatement office or mosquito control professional for advice if you are unable to eliminate your mosquito population with fish or bacterial measures.