Home Garden

Difference Between a Poly Drip & a Soaker Hose

You frequently hear about two methods of automatic watering for the garden: poly drips, also known as drip lines, and soaker hoses. They are similar in nature, so there may be some confusion about the differences between the two. With the proper information, though, you can tell the two apart with little difficulty.
  1. Functions of Both

    • Both soaker hoses and poly drips are designed as efficient ways to water plants and flowers with minimal waste. Both water constantly and need little to no supervision.

    Poly Drip

    • A poly drip is a narrow plastic hose or flat tape with small holes, or emitters, along its length. Normally, these emitters are spaced at 6-, 12-, 18- or 24-inch intervals. They release a constant drip that maintains a steady hydration of the surrounding soil with little to no chance of overwatering.

    Soaker Hose

    • A soaker hose is a larger rubber hose, normally made from recycled tires, that resembles a black garden hose. The rubber material is extremely porous, but there are no actual holes in it. The water leaches out from all angles of the hose, providing a steady but minimal flow of water.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Poly Drip

    • Poly drip irrigation systems include a smaller tube to place around the plants and flowers that is less visually obtrusive. You can place its emitters closer to the plants, which makes watering much more precise. A disadvantage of the drip system is that the thin tubing can be easily punctured by rodents or garden tools.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Soaker Hose

    • A soaker hose is extremely sturdy and can withstand a beating without being punctured. However, watering throughout the hose irrigates plants and weeds alike. Also, fine dust and dirt can clog the pores, leading to uneven watering.