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Slime Mold in Flower Beds

Slime mold can suddenly appear in flower beds after wet, rainy weather. This type of mold is especially common in mulched areas. Slime mold is often called "dog vomit" mold because of its appearance. While it is not pleasant to look at, slime mold does not harm plants and flowers.
  1. Identification

    • Slime mold is caused by rapidly growing fungi that uses mulch, plants and other organic material to reproduce. This mold is most common during the wet weather in the late spring and summer months.


    • Slime mold is often foamy and brightly colored. Orange, purple, brown, gray or yellow are common slime mold colors that appear in irregular or circular patches on lawns or flower beds.


    • Since slime mold is not harmful to plants or flowers, no control methods are recommended. However, gardeners who wish to remove slime mold for cosmetic purposes can do so by raking the mold from their flower bed and replacing it with fresh mulch. Decrease the frequency with which water your flowers to prevent slime mold.