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Bugs That Swim in Water

Water bugs are a necessary part of a pond ecosystem. These small insects play an important role in maintaining water clarity, providing predation for water pests and providing other animals with a food source. Knowing what kinds of bugs swim in water can help you identify which ones are harmless and which ones may have a nasty bite.
  1. Giant Water Bug

    • The giant water bug is the most common and most recognizable type of water insect. It is a large, aquatic bug that carries a small bubble of oxygen with it when it swims down below the surface. It resembles a large, round, flat beetle that can move very quickly in the water. The giant water bug has a sharp, beaklike proboscis and can inflict a painful bite.

    Water Striders

    • These are the most conspicuous of the water insects as they run along the top of the water. Often called water striders or water skaters, these bugs have long spindly legs with feather-like feet that help them stay afloat and use the surface of the water as their base. They feed on other water bugs and can dip below the surface to snag their prey.

    Water Boatmen

    • The water boatmen are the small, almond-shaped beetles that are found in almost every water environment, from ponds to water troughs and sometimes even pools. They are vegetarians and keep down algae and other water plants. They have long, oar-like legs and are fast and expert swimmers. They can also fly well.

    Water Scorpions

    • The long-tailed water scorpion is a fierce predator that lurks beneath the surface waiting for smaller insects to come within range. They often have long legs and will stalk slowly across the bottom of shallow ponds, seeking snails and other prey they can grasp and consume. These are not as visible as other water bugs as they spend a majority of time submerged.