Home Garden

Water Garden Maintenance Tips

Water gardens can be enthralling, with the flashing gold of darting fish, the soothing murmur of trickling waterfalls and the glorious color of water lilies. They provide a cool oasis in any size garden and lure nature's wild creatures into the home landscape. While water gardens seldom require weeding, they do require some maintenance to keep the water clean and clear.
  1. The Cleaning System

    • The filtration and circulation system should be the correct size for the volume of the pond. Replace or wash filter material regularly to maintain the maximum water flow. Check hoses and valves for leaks or blockages. Poor circulation and filtration will result in cloudy water and can harm the fish.

    Removing Debris

    • Remove leaves and other wind-blow debris daily from the surface of the water before it can clog the filter, or sink to the bottom and rot. Consider installing netting over the pond to catch leaves before they enter the water. On occasion, you may need to trim back or divide overgrown water plants.

    Algae Bloom

    • Algae can quickly transform your clear pond into a bowl of green soup. Plant floating water plants such as water lilies, water hyacinth and duck weed to shade and cool the water. The reduction in sunlight and lower temperature slows the growth of algae. Water plants also remove nutrients from the water that are necessary for algae growth. Oxygenating plants such as species of Sagittaria, Vallisneria, Myriophyllum or Elodia help keep water clear and are important for healthy fish. UV filters will reduce algae, and non-toxic chemicals are available to subdue uncontrollable algae growth.

    Water Testing

    • A simple water test for chemical and oxygen levels can reveal hidden problems with your pond water before it creates any serious problems. Increase the amount of oxygen in the water with a small fountain or waterfall. Add stones to an existing waterfall to agitate the water and increase the oxygen absorbed.

    Warning Signs

    • Maintaining a water garden is not time consuming, but the pond cannot be neglected. Green water, fish gasping for air at the surface and dying plants indicate the need for immediate attention. A partial water change will quickly improve water quality and allow you time to improve water quality and balance water chemistry. Mineral and vitamin supplements can improve plant and fish health and keep the inhabitants of your water garden in top shape. Never use any chemical that has not been certified safe for plants and fish.