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How to Plant a Bed for Drainage

Landscaping is an essential part of every property. A good landscape plan allows water to drain away from the house. Planting flower beds for drainage is not as hard as it may seem. By building up the garden beds with compost and mulch so they drain into a dry stream bed, you can move water away from the house and toward the storm drain.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • 1 board, 2-by-4-inch, 8 feet long
  • Level
  • Compost
  • Weed cloth
  • River rocks
  • Gravel
  • Tree
  • Shrub
  • Plants
  • Bulbs
  • Drip-watering system
  • Mulch
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    • 1

      Install any necessary hardscape, such as walks or fences before planting your flower beds.

    • 2

      Dig the flower bed with a shovel, removing grass and unwanted plants. Dig the stream bed 6 to 8 inches deep, mounding the soil on each side to make the banks and raise the garden bed. Allow the stream bed to curve as needed to incorporate any low or problem spots and around desirable trees and shrubs. Curves and an irregular width provide visual interest.

    • 3

      Lay the 2-by-4 board on the stream bed. Set the level on top and check the bubble. The bubble should be on the upper end of the window, indicating that the bed slopes away from the house. Move the 2-by-4 board out of the way.

    • 4

      Add 3 to 4 inches of compost to the garden bed. Dig it in with the shovel and rake it smooth, adjusting the height as necessary so the soil slopes toward the stream bed and away from the house.

    • 5

      Roll the weed cloth out over the stream bed, folding as necessary to follow curves. Arrange river rocks and gravel in the bed, covering the weed cloth and extending up the "banks." Embed the rocks into the soil on each side of the stream. Use a variety of sizes to provide a natural look.

    • 6

      Set the shrubs and plants in their intended locations, still in the pots. Plant a shrub or small tree such as a lilac, crepe myrtle, Japanese maple or flowering peach at the top of the bed to anchor the garden. Plant iris randomly next to the stream bed for a natural appearance. Look at the garden from the house and the street. Rearrange the plants to provide the best view.

    • 7

      Dig the planting holes slightly deeper than the pots and three times the width. Remove the plants from the pots and place in the holes. Gently spread the roots over the soil and backfill, tamping carefully. Water thoroughly.

    • 8

      Install the drip watering system, winding it among the plants. Place an emitter next to each plant so that the water reaches the root ball.

    • 9

      Cover the garden bed with 3 inches of coarse mulch, pulling it back 3 inches from the plants' stems.