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How to Tell the Type of a Bonsai Tree

Bonsai trees are small trees native to Japan that were popularized in the United States after the release of the film "The Karate Kid" in the 1980s. Bonsai trees require regular pruning and maintenance to keep them looking their best and are considered an art form by bonsai practitioners. Each different type of bonsai tree has distinct but only subtly different physical characteristics. Identifying them requires some careful observation.


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      Count the number of trunks. A bonsai with more than one trunk falls into the Takan general group. Two-trunk trees are specifically referred to as Sokan, while the three-trunked tree is a Sankan. If the tree has more than three trunks, it is a Kabudachi.

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      Look at the roots. If the roots of the bonsai are visible above the ground, it is a Neagari.

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      Examine the shape of the bonsai. If the tree has a straight, upright form without any curving, it is likely a Chokkan or a Hokidachi. If the tree is slanted, it is more likely a Shakan. A twisted trunk that spirals upward is characteristically a Moyogi while a tree that cascades downward is a Kengai.

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      Check the symmetry of the tree branches. If the tree is perfectly symmetrical, it is likely the Chokkan. If the tree branches offshoot from the trunk like the stalks of a broom, it is probably a Hokidachi. The Moyogi is known for a spiraling trunk leading up to uneven leaves and branches.