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Companion Perennials for Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis "Maiden Grass" is a graceful, elegant ornamental grass frequently planted in landscapes, rock gardens and xeriscapes. From dwarf varieties to plants that can reach 7 feet tall, maiden grass is available in a wide selection of foliage variations, including color and variegated leaves. The striking plumelike seed heads emerge in late summer in feather shades of cream, yellow or red.
  1. Blanket Flower

    • Blanket flower is colorful and visually interesting.

      Gaillardia aristata "Blanket Flower" with bright, multicolored circular flowers is an ideal companion perennial for maiden grass. A drought-tolerant hardy plant, blanket flower blooms an abundance of flowers from May into September. If seed heads are allowed to mature in the fall, the plant easily will reseed. Blanket flower thrives in full sun and is adaptable to any well-draining soil. The plant grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches, making it a perfect complimentary plant to the massive maiden grass to create visual interest in your landscape.


    • Bright and colorful coneflower plants are ideal companions to maiden grass.

      Echinacea "Coneflower" is found most often blooming in purple, pink or red, but newer varieties have been introduced in white, yellow and orange flowers. Coneflower plants are easy care, drought tolerant, will grow in almost any soil type and will bloom throughout the summer, particularly if deadheaded. A long-lasting daisy-shaped flower with centers resembling a large puffy cone, coneflower makes a soft, colorful companion to maiden grass.

    Black-Eyed Susan

    • Black-eyed Susans bring a touch of sunshine to your landscape.

      "Black-eyed Susan," Rudbeckia hirta, adds a bright and cheery touch to your landscape with a mass of yellow flowers that are 2 to 3 inches wide. Black-eyed Susan plants grow to heights of over 3 feet, with long 6-inch leaves that have an attractive shape that adds visual interest. The plant blooms from June through October and will easily reseed, which can cause black-eyed Susan plants to become crowded or invasive.


    • Liatris compliments the arching foliage of maiden grass.

      Liatris is often referred to as Blazingstar and is an elegant, slender flowering perennial that blooms in either purple or white. A hardy plant, liatris' flowering stalks rise from short, grasslike foliage to heights that range from 18 inches to up to 4 feet. Grown in a group or cluster, liatris will bloom from mid-summer into fall. Companion to maiden grass, liatris, particularly the purple blooming variety, visually draws the eye to the soft seed plumes of the maiden grass. The flowering stalks also make an ideal cut flower.