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The Proper Way to Prune Tree Roses

"Tree roses" is another name for rose standards. Unlike rose bushes, tree roses have a thin cane, or trunk, that extends a few feet up to where the roses start to bloom. This central cane can bend or break if the top of the tree is not pruned to the right size. If you want your tree roses to stay strong and healthy and to get the most out of their blooming season, then take the time to learn how to prune them properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
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      Use pruning shears to remove branches that are beneath the graft, which is where the cane stops and the roses begin. The graft line runs perpendicular to the cane, forming a semi-circle of branches with the rounded part on top. Starting at the top of the cane, every part of the semi-circle should be the same distance away, keeping a rounded form that won't tilt to one side, or have too much weight at the top.

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      Check all around for any dead or weak branches. Remove these from the base.

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      Cut off the top third of all the branches that are growing upward. This allows for new growth. Branches that are at least 6 inches long, but no more than 10 inches, are a good starting point for even growth.

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      Avoid removing the water shoots. These are the longer, light green branches that do not have any sideshoots. You'll get excellent roses from these branches.

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      Pick roses that are very close to another rose if you want to place them in a vase. By removing surrounding roses, you give the others room to bloom more fully.