Home Garden

How to Build a Brick Wall for a Plant Area

A brick retaining wall sectioning off a garden bed adds character and design to your home landscape. Brick walls for plant areas can be curved or straight, and should integrate the garden environment into your yard. Work when the weather is clear and the ground is dry, since brick can sink in a muddy soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden stakes
  • String
  • Measuring tape
  • Spade
  • Gravel
  • Hand tamper
  • Stone dust
  • Brick mortar
  • 5-gallon bucket
  • Trowel
  • Rubber mallet
  • Filter fabric
  • Scissors
  • Crushed rock
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    • 1

      Insert garden stakes into the earth and loop string around the stakes to enclose the wall area.

    • 2

      Dig a 6-inch-deep trench that is the same width as your bricks, using a spade, measuring the brick width when it is laid horizontally on the ground. The trench will form the base of the wall.

    • 3

      Pour 6 inches of gravel into the trench. Compact the gravel, using a hand tamper.

    • 4

      Add 2 inches of stone dust, which creates a level base for the bricks. Compact the stone dust with your tamper.

    • 5

      Place the first layer of bricks on the stone base. Use a rubber mallet to secure them in the stone base. As you work, periodically check with a spirit level that the bricks are level; adjust any bricks that aren't level..

    • 6

      Pour brick mortar into a 5-gallon bucket. Add water, 2 cups at a time. Stir until the mortar reaches a workable consistency. The mortar should be thin enough to spread with a trowel, but still hold its shape without running.

    • 7

      Cover the initial layer of bricks with a 1/4-inch layer of mortar, using a trowel.

    • 8

      Place the second layer of brick on the wall. For stability, center a brick on the ends of the two below it. This staggers the weight. Complete the second layer.

    • 9

      Work up the brick wall, layer by layer. Stagger each layer, and secure the bricks with mortar.

    • 10

      Cut filter fabric so that it lines the inside of the wall and covers the sides. This cuts down on weed growth through the bricks. Push the fabric down inside the cavity so that it covers the bottom and all sides.

    • 11

      Pour crushed rock into the cavity of the retaining wall, up to 6 to 12 inches from the top of the wall.

    • 12

      Add 6 to 12 inches of soil to create a garden bed for your plant area.