Home Garden

Alternatives to Turf Grass

There are some instances when a conventional lawn turf is not an option. Homeowners should consider alternatives to turf grass in situations where grass is difficult to grow and maintain: shaded areas, steep slopes that are difficult to mow or areas that receive heavy foot traffic.

  1. Types

    • Alternatives to turf grass range from terraced flower beds to groundcover plants for steep slopes and perennials to shrubs for shade. Other alternatives include landscape rock, patio blocks and mulch.


    • Alternative groundcovers reduce the need to cut and fertilize turf, which reduces lawn mower emissions and chemical run-off, according to the University of Delaware cooperative extension. Some groundcovers conserve water, prevent erosion and add variety to the landscape.


    • Replace turf grass with groundcovers that match site conditions. Consider the plant's light requirement, growth rate and mature size. Check with your extension service for information about the climate and soil in your area because plants behave differently in different parts of the country. For instance, an ornamental pampas grass may grow well in Florida, but is considered a noxious weed in California.