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Ground Cover Mulch Ideas

Mulch enhances the nutrients in your garden and helps conserve moisture, especially when combined with, or as, a ground cover. When searching for ground cover mulch ideas, study the amount of sunlight your garden receives to choose a mulch that will feed the plants and allow enough water drainage.

  1. Shredded Bark

    • Shredded hard and soft wood bark is a common garden mulch and can be purchased in varying grades from very finely milled to very coarse. It provides good ground cover for small flowers, or larger shrubs. The most common kind of ground cover shredded bark mulch is wood from pine trees and other coniferous tree types.

    Coffee Grounds and Leaves

    • According to the Sunset website, a guide to living in the West, a report found that coffee grounds make a rich, high-quality mulch. With a pH of 6.2, the grounds add acidity to the soil, which stimulates plant growth and health. Once the coffee beans are steamed and soaked, it seems all the nutrients would be gone. But, according to Jim McCausland, senior garden writer at Sunset, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper content in the grounds are high enough to create a positive impact on improving soil. Combine coffee grounds with chopped leaves for a lightweight, cottony mulch you can use around your acid-loving plants.


    • For sunny gardens, sedum is a good ground cover choice. It is a tiny plant whose flowers may be yellow, purple, orange, green or pink. It is often planted as a ground cover on “green roofs” because it can tolerate intense heat. When combined with rocks, or other grasses, it makes a decent mulch for sunny gardens.


    • Soil mixed with plant and food matter from the garbage and yard clippings creates a natural ground cover mulch. Because compost is made of decomposed and recycled matter, it also acts as a fertilizer. With each watering, composted materials improve the soil quality by increasing the nutrient content.