Home Garden

Easy Flower Boxes

Grow colorful, annual flowers on a deck, sidewalk or patio in flower boxes. Although container-grown plants require regular care, the proper materials and techniques make caring for a flower box easier.

  1. Location

    • Locate flower boxes as close to a water supply as possible. Container plants dry out more quickly than in-ground plants and require frequent watering.


    • Use a potting mix designed for containers and hanging baskets. These lightweight, porous mixes provide a healthy environment for plant roots. Moisten the potting mix thoroughly before adding plants.


    • Self-watering flower boxes provide a steady supply of water and reduce watering frequency. The soil draws moisture from the reservoir as needed, eliminating over- and under-watering.


    • Fertilize flower boxes with a 14-14-14 fertilizer. For the easy care, mix a slow-release fertilizer into the potting medium at planting time. Slow-release fertilizers last three to four months.


    • When filled with moist potting soil and plants, a large flower box can weigh more than 50 pounds. Consider mounting casters on the bottom of the flower box if you plan to move it regularly.