Home Garden

Blue Lobelia Plants Grown in Green Containers

Color is a vital factor in your landscape. The splash provided by flowers is noticed immediately. Careful planning of plants and container colors gives you seasonal focal points that enhance the look of your home.

  1. Analogous Colors

    • Blue and green are analogous colors.

      Using blue lobelia with green, colors directly next to each other on the color wheel, represents an analogous color scheme. Blue violet, blue, blue green and green are adjacent colors with common properties.

    Serene Colors

    • Colors have a direct affect on feelings. Blues and greens are colors that have a calming effect. Use blue lobelia with green containers for a serene color scheme.

    Low-intensity Colors

    • Blues appear cool even in bright light

      Use greens and blues for a low-intensity color scheme even in a bright sunny location. Cool colors such as blue and green fade into the background in shade.

    Blend or Contrast

    • Against a similarly colored house, blues and greens will be unnoticeable. Decide whether you want contrast -- a yellow house with blues and greens -- or prefer to pull out your house color into the garden, going with a blue house with blues and greens.

    Enlarge a Space

    • Use blue lobelia with green containers for a trompe l'oeil effect. Cool colors retreat, seeming farther away than they are, and make your outdoor spaces seem larger.