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Good Perennial Border Plants That Will Not Be Invasive

Border plants surround the garden with color, providing a clear boundary for planting. Using perennials as a border may save time and money as these plants will return season after season. Many perennials will also spread, so choosing non-invasive plants should be a priority. Invasive species may be beautiful, but they carry the potential of harming the natural ecosystem.

  1. Joe-pye Weed

    • Joe-pye weed is a deceptive name for this bright, purple perennial flower. Many gardeners consider this tall, border plant to be far from a weed. Joe-pye weed may reach heights of up to seven feet. Attract butterflies by planting Joe-pye weed in a sunny to partially shady area. This plant is hardy in USDA Zones 4 through 9.

    Purple Coneflower

    • Purple coneflowers--reaching heights of two to three feet--are the right height for placing along the border behind shorter plants. This perennial plant also makes a lovely addition to butterfly gardens. Blooms are shades of white or purple. Plant coneflowers in bright, sunny locations with well-drained soil. Purple coneflowers are hardy to USDA Zones 3 through 8.

    Milky Bellflower

    • The lavender, clumping blooms of the milky bellflower flourish in well-drained soil. Plant this tall perennial in a sunny or partially shaded area of the garden. At approximately 30 inches tall, these showy blooms make a good back border when placed behind shorter plants. The milky bellflower is hardy in zones 5 through 7.


    • This tall, herbaceous flower blooms in shades of purple, white and blue. Delphinium, also known as larkspur, is a favorite among butterflies. This garden beauty is a hardy perennial in USDA Zones 4 through 7.

    Homestead Purple Verbena

    • This low-growing variety of verbena is sought after for its beauty and easy care requirements. These pink and purple flowers are hardy to USDA Zones 7 through 10. Homestead purple verbena is perfect for busy gardeners because it tolerates dry soil and some neglect. This plant makes a good front border when placed in front of taller plants.

    Pincushion Flower

    • Pincushion flower is a long-blooming perennial when placed in a sunny location and properly cared for. Named for the shape of its violet blooms, pincushion flowers are ideal for cut flowers and for attracting butterflies to the garden. This two-foot plant may be placed behind shorter plants to create a border. Pincushion flowers are hardy to USDA Zones 4 through 9.