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Can You Spray Vinegar or Lemon Juice to Keep Unwanted Dogs Out of Yards?

Keeping unwanted dogs out of your yard can be challenging if your property is not completely fenced in. Dogs are curious by nature and will come to investigate interesting scents like the smell of your own dogs and the scent of others that might have passed that way. Spraying vinegar or lemon juice to repel dogs is an option that you can use without incurring high costs and without causing harm to your dogs or others.
  1. Vinegar

    • Household vinegar comes in a concentrate of around 5 percent ascetic acid solution, which is not high enough to deter dogs. The vinegar needs to mask scents, and with the highly developed sense of smell that dogs have, this will require a strong solution and odor to do so. Vinegar with a concentration of 15 to 20 percent ascetic acid will work well, but as this is also a non-selective killer of plants, grass and weeds, you will need to be careful not to let it come into contact with anything that you want to preserve. It can also make the ground sterile if high quantities of it enter the soil.

    Lemon Juice

    • Concentrated lemon juice has repellent properties, because the citrus smell is unpopular with dogs. Slices of lemon or lime spread around the yard will also help to repel dogs from the area.

    Methods of Spraying

    • Use an herbicide sprayer or a spray bottle to spread the solution. Be careful where you spray vinegar, as it may damage wooden surfaces and can kill your plants. Spray regularly twice a week, as the smell is weaker once it dries, and renew it if it has rained, as the scent may have been washed away. Instead of spraying, try soaking cotton balls in the solution and placing them in strategic spots where visiting dogs usually sniff.

    Other Natural Dog Repellents

    • Other methods of keeping dogs out of your yard include sprinkling of spices such as cayenne pepper or chili powder in the spots to which the dog is attracted. The spices will irritate the dog's nose and will overwhelm the scent of other dogs, and it will lose interest and go elsewhere. Spreading dried coffee grounds is also an effective homemade dog repellent, as dogs are not drawn to the bitter coffee smell. Essential oils such as eucalyptus and citronella are also effective repellents, as are ammonia and rubbing alcohol.