Home Garden

How to Find Out If You Are Allowed to Build a Fence on Your Property

The days when a home and property were a man's castle, enabling him to do whatever he wished with the property, are long gone. Depending on the property, permission must be sought and granted from different authorities to make any significant changes. Fences are controlled by where they can be placed, the types of fencing allowed, the height and the mandatory distance from any neighboring homes.


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      Call the director of the homeowner's association if there is a formal organization for your neighborhood. Many subdivisions built within the past 40 years have restrictions on what may or may not be added to property and fences often require approval from the association.

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      Contact the zoning commission office for your town, city, or county and explain what you are considering. The zoning commission is responsible for approval of all additions to homes and can tell you what municipal requirements you'll need to meet to put up a fence.

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      Seeking a neighbor's approval may be part of the requirements from either or both the association and zoning committee. If approached with the idea that the fence will also benefit his home, a neighbor might want to contribute to a portion of its cost.