Home Garden

How to Fix a Plastic Fence

If you have a plastic fence on your property that has become damaged, you can either replace the entire section or you can simply patch over the damaged spots. Plastic is not difficult repair and fixing a plastic fence is not unlike doing auto body work. You don't have to incur the expense of ordering new panels just to get rid of the damage--all you'll need is some supplies and a free afternoon.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Mineral spirits
  • Rag
  • Urethane-epoxy resin
  • Plastic putty knife
  • 320-grit sandpaper
  • Tack cloth
  • TSP
  • Sponge
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      Put on rubber gloves and clean the plastic fence post with mineral spirits and a rag. Allow the mineral spirits to evaporate away from the fence post once all the dirt and grime is removed.

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      Spread urethane-epoxy resin over the damaged spot using a plastic putty knife to smooth and even it. Let dry for at least three hours or as long as the manufacturer suggests.

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      Sand over the patch on the plastic fence post using 320-grit sandpaper, making it less visible, smooth and flush with the rest of the fence post. Wipe down with a tack cloth thereafter.

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      Clean the plastic fence post with TSP and water, using a sponge. Rinse off with water once cleaned, then allow to air dry.