Home Garden

Retaining Brick Wall Ideas

A retaining wall forms a vertical and horizontal barrier that keeps soil from traveling down sloped land. As a result, retaining walls are essential in reducing the risk of land movement and deformity caused by soil erosion. In residential areas, home owners have learned how to use retaining walls to enhance the exterior appearance of their homes. Available in several materials, retaining walls are of wood, concrete, stone or brick.
  1. Gravity Brick Wall

    • Often built in small gardens or raised garden beds, gravity walls depend on heavy batter loads that keep soil behind the masonry. Typically, gravity retaining brick walls are built to a maximum height of 4 feet. Home owners can construct gravity walls without hiring a professional, often without acquiring a building permit prior to building.

    Segmented Brick Wall

    • For retaining walls measuring more than 4 feet high, consider installing a segmented brick wall. This design suits walls of medium to large height that require reinforcement. Designed using geosynthetic measurements, segmented retaining walls hold a specific loading batter that adjusts depending on the angle of land. Segmented retaining brick walls especially suit steep areas prone to mudslides and poor drainage.

    Curved Brick Wall

    • Homeowners interested in enhancing the curb appeal of their homes should consider building a curved wall design. Choose a curvaceous design when constructing a retaining brick wall measuring less than 11 feet high. A curved retaining wall consists of four levels, each measuring 3 1/2 feet. Because curved retaining walls are thought of as decorative, construct one in a garden location.

    Brick Stair Well Border

    • Construct a retaining wall out of brick as a border for a short staircase located outdoors. When installed at a home's entrance way, stair well retaining walls create ambiance while marking a distinct path for visitors to follow. Homeowners can also install lights within the retaining wall to illuminate the stairs.

    Flushed & Flanged

    • Flushed retaining walls consist of bricks stacked on top of each other, creating a smooth surface. Bricks lock into each other because of tabs on the bottom. Flanged retaining walls are similar to flushed walls, except they involve placing larger bricks at the top. Flanged walls offer no extra value, apart from decoration. For a creative and unconventional design, construct a flanged retaining wall using colored bricks, alternating colors for each layer.