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How to Make a Fence With Tree Branches

Fences made from tree branches are wattle fences and are a green way of reusing tree trimmings. Flexible, green tree branches are woven into place. This type of fencing is environmentally friendly but does not stand the test of time. Wattle fences need either some mending or to be replaced as they start to degrade. Build wattle fences in the early spring when trees have plenty of new growth and need pruning.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Posts, 1 1/2-inch
  • Lopping shears
  • Sledge hammer
  • Flat board or split logs
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      Measure for the fence length. You need nine posts for every 10 feet of fence line. Choose posts that are 12 inches longer than the desired fence height.

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      Pound fence posts into the ground every 14 inches. Make sure the posts are seated 12 inches in the ground.

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      Weave the bottom row of fence between the posts, letting the ends of the branches stick out before adding the next branch. Push each branch down to the bottom of the fence once it has been woven in place.

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      Alternate rows; if the bottom row started with the first branch on the outside, the following row starts with the branch on the inside. Alternate the thick end of the branch with the thinner end to avoid fences that are weaker because of the thin ends lined up in one spot.

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      Place flat board or split logs along the top and bottom of the fence if desired. Nail them in place.