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How to Screen Your Backyard From a Neighbor's Balcony

Imagine relaxing on the lounger after a hard day at work only to look up and find your neighbors peering down at you from their balcony. It can be a bit disconcerting. There is not much you can do about their ability to see your backyard from their greater height, but you can take strides to partition off part of your yard to create some privacy. Create your own private retreat by using various landscaping and outdoor furniture pieces to screen your backyard from a neighbor's balcony.

Things You'll Need

  • Large canopy trees
  • Bamboo plants
  • Garden privacy screen
  • Gazebo
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      Plant trees with large canopies. Consider the overall space in your yard when selecting a tree. There needs to be enough room to handle the root spread, trunk size and mature canopy. Select a spot near your patio or lounging area, but not too near your house to allow for future growth. Trees like the Acer rubrum, "red maple," which grows to a height of 40 to 60 feet or the Quercus phellos, "oak willow," that can reach an impressive height of 100 feet, are both suitable to screen your backyard. As the trees mature, the limbs and leaves will provide you with natural privacy and cooling shade to boot.

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      Grow bamboo plants along the edge of the property that borders your neighbor. Exercise care when you plant bamboo, as it is an invasive plant. Dig a barrier ditch about 40 inches deep, several feet out from the bamboo to help control the spread of its underground rhizomes. Use bamboo's height to your advantage to grow a living fence that can grow as high as 100 feet.

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      Choose a garden privacy screen that coordinates with your existing landscaping and outdoor furniture. You can find these screens in wood, metal and plastic at local gardening centers and home improvement stores. Find one that is at least 7 feet tall to provide the maximum amount of privacy.

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      Place a gazebo in your backyard. The rooftop of the structure will provide you with the necessary screen from your neighbor's view. These come in various shapes and sizes; choose one that fits your overall landscape design.