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Easy Installation for a Wrought Iron Fence

Wrought iron fences lend an air of permanence and stability to a landscape. Wrought iron is worked into a range of shapes and styles suited for a variety of garden and yard designs. Since wrought iron is durable and often ornate, planning is necessary to ensure an easy installation.
  1. Wrought Iron

    • Wrought iron is a highly durable metal forged from iron and slag and worked with percussive instruments. The slag allows the metal to bend. This malleable metal is shaped into decorative forms. Most wrought iron is capable of lasting hundreds of years without significant corrosion. Contemporary wrought iron fences and gates are not always constructed from iron. Faux wrought iron, made of aluminum or steel, is not as resistant to corrosion, but is economical, lighter and somewhat easier to install.


    • Before installing wrought iron fence posts, rails and gates, assess the fence line. Drive stakes into the areas where posts will be positioned. Use rope or twine to demarcate the fence line. Check to ensure the ground is level and the line is straight. Inventory your wrought iron fence components, ensuring that the correct number of posts and gates are present. Aside from the fence components, you will also require a fence post digger or shovel. Posts are positioned and held in place with concrete. Acquire a wheelbarrow, cement mix and sand. The types of tools vary depending on the style of wrought iron used or the type of kit purchased. Certain tools, like screwdrivers, a level, a hammer and hacksaw, are most often needed. Once all tools, equipment and components are in place and accounted for, the installation should be easier than if preparations were not made.


    • Install fence posts first. Dig post holes to a depth of 2 feet. Fill the bottom portion of the hole with loose gravel, then set the post in the hole. Fill with concrete and allow the fence post to set. Continue this process with the remaining posts. Check periodically to ensure that the posts are straight. If posts are not straight, realign the posts using a rubber mallet. This method is effective only if the cement has not yet fully dried. Once corner, end and gate posts have been put in place, continue placing line posts. Install rails and fence sections after every few line posts. This allows for corrections if the fence line is not plumb or level. Wait a few days before installing gates and avoid heavy use of installed gates for several weeks. This allows gate posts to fully settle before heavy use.


    • Not all fenced areas are rectangular or square. Create appropriate section lengths by cutting wrought iron sections down to size with a hacksaw. Wrought iron is a durable metal, but it is easily bent, shaped or cut. Use swivel brackets for areas requiring a rounded curve. Swivel brackets attach straight fence sections to line posts at angles other than 90 degrees.