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How to Decorate a Yard Wall

Some outdoor walls are stand-alone works of art. A well-made rock wall, for example, is its own decoration and conversation piece and needs no embellishment beyond perhaps a creeping vine or two.

The bare walls of a utilitarian storage shed, on the other hand, may need a little dressing up. The same goes for any house walls that face into the garden and exposed fencing. You don’t have to cover the entire wall or fence, but a few well-placed accents can draw your attention away from the building itself and back into the yard or garden.


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      Plant a border of upright plants, such as Italian cypress, along the wall. If you’d like to screen the wall completely, plant climbing vines or shrubs that will hide the wall as they grow, such as powderpuff plant, podocarpus, bougainvillea or jasmine. Use lattice, stakes, ties or sometimes cords suspended from the eaves to help support the climbing plants.

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      Position a hammock or other large piece of yard furniture near the wall. This won’t hide the wall completely, but will draw attention away from it. A few well-placed hanging baskets will help keep your attention off the wall, even when you’re in the hammock. You can also use wall-mounted planters.

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      Glue or nail birdhouses along the wall at staggered intervals. Add a wall-mounted birdbath to lure more feathered friends.

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      Use wall-mount brackets to hang sun reflectors at intervals along the wall. You can make your own sun reflectors by tracing patterns on the back of an old CD with a dry-erase marker -- the marker wipes off if you make a mistake -- then cutting through the CD with heavy-duty shears.

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      Use heavy-duty outdoor glue to attach pieces of broken pots, dishes or tiles to the wall in a decorative mosaic. Lay the mosaic out on the floor first, measure it and outline the placement on the wall. Glue the pieces to the wall, working from the center out.