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How to Build an Outdoor Wall Out of Bales

Building walls out of straw bales is not a new practice; it has been done since the 19th century in this country. It is, however, gaining popularity as a construction method. The use of straw bales recycles a product that might normally be burned or end up in the waste stream. Bales are also inexpensive by comparison with other building materials in most parts of the country, especially those in proximity to agricultural areas. By following a few basic steps, even someone with limited mechanical abilities can construct a wall out of bales.

Things You'll Need

  • Building permits (if your locale requires them)
  • Bales of straw
  • Concrete mix or crushed stone (for foundation)
  • Frames of either wood or forms for concrete
  • Re-bar or hardwood dowels
  • Exterior coating of plaster, stucco or concrete
  • Wire mesh (if using plaster)
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  1. Preparing the Site

    • 1
      Areas without strict zoning laws usually don't require permits for outdoor walls.

      Consult with your local building department to determine what type of permit, if any, is needed for your straw bale wall.

    • 2
      A simple concrete pad is inexpensive and relatively simple to construct.

      Prepare your foundation. This can be done by pouring a level concrete foundation or by grading and compacting crushed stone. Building a wall directly onto soil is not recommended.

    • 3
      Straw is made from the stems of cereal grains.

      Obtain straw bales. They should be dry, tightly packed and consist of the stalks of rice, wheat, rye or oats.

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      Framing for your straw bale wall needn't be as complex as for an interior, load-bearing wall.

      Prepare your framing, which could include pouring concrete pillars or columns for end supports or constructing a wood frame within which to build your wall. If the wall is not going to be too high, this step may be eliminated.

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      A moisture barrier should be similar in function to barriers used in housing construction.

      Install a water barrier over top of the foundation before laying bales, which can be made from plastic or any material that will impede the absorption of moisture from the foundation into the bales.

    Installing the Bales

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      Bales should be stacked in the familiar running-bond pattern of brick laying.

      Lay the bales onto the foundation on their longest side. They should be abutted tightly. For each subsequent row, stagger the bales so that they are stacked like brickwork.

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      Re-bar is sold in many different sized lengths and can be cut with a hacksaw.

      Pin the bales together using sections of re-bar or hardwood dowels. Driving them in at angles will hold them together more tightly.

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      Stucco is the most common finish used for bale construction.

      Mix the exterior material that will be applied to the faces of the wall. It could be stucco, plaster or shotcrete, which is concrete applied with a sprayer.

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      Wire mesh can be in the form of chicken-wire or more like a window screen.

      Apply the material to the bales by hand or with a trowel. If plaster is to be used, wire mesh should be fastened to the bales to help hold the material in place.

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      The finish to the wall can be made smooth with a trowel or left rough.

      Apply repeat coats as necessary. The material used, expected exposure to the elements and desired appearance will dictate how many coats need be applied.