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How to Make a Retaining Wall With Treated Four-By-Four Posts

Constructing a retaining wall with treated lumber is a job that anyone with moderate carpentry skills and the right tools can do. Using 4-by-4 posts, instead of railroad ties or 6-by-6 timbers, is a viable choice for those sites where low walls are sufficient. Larger stock should be used for taller walls and in applications where large volumes of earth will be retained. Dimensions for retaining walls depend upon site conditions and size requirements and should be calculated accordingly. In all cases, constructing shorter walls in a terraced fashion is stronger and preferable to constructing one taller retaining wall.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel or backhoe
  • Gravel (crushed gravel for base and round gravel for drainage)
  • Tamper
  • Level
  • Drill
  • Saw
  • Tape measure
  • Safety glasses
  • Sledgehammer
  • Treated 4-by-4 posts
  • Spikes or re-bar, 10 to 12 inches in length
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  1. Site Preparation

    • 1
      Proper measuring is the most critical step in planning a retainng wall.

      Measure the area where the wall will be constructed. Make sure there is enough room to excavate for headers (posts that are placed perpendicular to the wall and anchor it to the ground) and deadmen (posts that are parallel to the wall and attached to headers in the ground).

    • 2
      For larger sites, mechanical equipment should be used for the excavation.

      Excavate the site. Dig a trench for the base course of the wall and dig out the areas to accommodate the headers and deadmen. The trench should be at least 1 foot wider than the post and deep enough to accommodate 4 to 6 inches of crushed gravel.

    • 3
      Crushed limestone works well as a base material.

      Add crushed gravel to the trench. Level and tamp it down as the base for the first course of the 4-by-4 wall. The gravel should be applied in "lifts." Add 1 to 2 inches of gravel then tamp it down. Repeat until you have the desired depth of 4 to 6 inches.

    Installing the Wall

    • 4
      Re-bar can be purchased in pre-cut lengths.

      Lay the first course of 4-by-4 posts. Check that the posts are even with the level. Drill pilot holes and anchor the base course into the compacted gravel with spikes or re-bar.

    • 5
      The seams on a retaining wall should be staggered in a running bond pattern, like a brick wall.

      Lay the second course, staggering the seams and ensuring it remains level. Drill pilot holes and anchor the second to the base course with spikes or re-bar.

    • 6

      Set the deadmen parallel to the wall and check that they are level. Install the headers with pilot holes and spikes or re-bar into both the deadmen and the wall.

    • 7
      Washed or river gravel should be used to assist in proper drainage behind the wall.

      Back-fill the trench with round gravel to help with drainage. The gravel should extend beyond the wall into the slope by 6 to 12 inches.

    • 8
      As you reach the top of the wall, back-fill with only soil.

      Continue with each course, checking for level as you go. Add headers and deadmen as the wall gets higher as needed. Back-fill gravel and soil as you go.