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How High Can I Stack Denver Wall Beveled Stone Walls?

Surrounding all or part of your property with a retaining wall can improve soil retention and spatial definition, while providing a warm-looking natural barrier against unwanted neighborhood traffic. High masonry walls need reinforcement to stay whole; metal rods, mortar and sectional construction permit walls tall enough to deter hill-slides and deaden traffic noise. Most residential needs are met by walls of 2 to 3-1/2 feet, which makes Denver Wall beveled stone a perfect do-it-yourself building material.
  1. Denver Wall Benefits

    • Denver Wall beveled stone blocks can produce handsome results, while being relatively easy to use by a homeowner or small building crew. Cast from a stone mixture, blocks are consistent in dimensions and designed to be fitted together while retaining some of the appearance of natural stone. Their weight of 55 lbs. each increases when the hollow center is filled with pea gravel. Beveled edges help new builders create curved walls and suit blocks to a wider range of landscaping situations than strictly rectangular blocks.

    Building Heights and Limits

    • Because these blocks are designed for mortarless construction, also known as gravity building, manufacturers recommend that walls be no taller than 3-1/2 feet. They note that blocks can be engineered for greater heights, but installation materials suggest terracing, rather than additional courses of stones, as a way to increase the height of walls.

    Maximizing Wall Height

    • One of the best ways to assure maximum wall height is to make a thorough assessment of the soil on which the wall will rest before creating a building plan. Drainage, sand, clay and organic content, as well as surrounding conditions, all determine how well soil can support a masonry wall. Improving drainage, amending soil and even building a cement foundation are strategies that support building as high as recommended. These considerations apply whether your planned wall is supportive or strictly decorative.

    Supporting Wall Stability

    • Maintaining the height and general integrity of a retaining wall may require even more measures. Explore the potential of rigid geotextiles as support for your wall, especially if the soil being held back is subject to frequent climate changes. Using rigid netting and creating site-specific drainage can assure that your wall remains whole and prevents the kinds of erosion that can impair its height.