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How to Install Edging Around a Fence

Oftentimes, gardeners install edging around their fencing to keep grass or ornamental plants from escaping their designated planting areas. Vegetation allowed to grow against fences creates an untidy look for the yard. Also, gardeners may have a next door neighbor not pleased with grass growing into his lawn. Before installing, choose an edging material type that suits your needs. Garden edging comes in various types, including plastic, stone and wood. Generally, the look and cost of the edging dictates the type that gardeners use. For example, plastic edging is less costly than using river rock. Sometimes, gardeners can find edging material like logs within their yard to use around a fence.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Stakes
  • Half moon trowel
  • Level
  • Spade
  • Herbicide
  • Bricks
  • Stones


    • 1

      Measure the edging type that you wish to use to get an idea of the width of the trench that you need to create for the edging. Press two stakes slightly wider than the edging where the edging is going to begin and end along the fence to designate the width of the garden edging.

    • 2

      Dig a trench in between the two stakes along the fence with a half moon edger. The trench must be at least 3 to 4 inches deep to prevent plants from escaping their growing area.

    • 3

      Smooth the bottom of the trench with a spade. Set a level at the bottom of the trench to ensure that it is even. Add dirt in low-lying areas.

    • 4

      Place the edging material in the trench. Butt the edges of the edging material sections carefully to prevent weeds from growing in between the material. To help align the edges of edging types like bricks or stone, use a rubber mallet.

    • 5

      Pack soil around both sides of the edging material. Allow the edging material to sit just above the soil line. Over time, edging generally settles into the ground.

    • 6

      Remove grass or ornamental plants underneath the fence by hand pulling or digging. Gardeners can also spray an herbicide that contains glyphosate to kill weeds under the fencing.