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I Need Ideas for an Apartment Patio That Has Dirt

To some, a dirt patio may seem like a nightmare in function and appearance; but, with a little work, such a patio offers several versatile options that can add to the enjoyment of your space. If you don't own your apartment, secure permission from your landlord before starting any projects. If you do own your apartment, ensure that any planned improvements qualify with any board or association that controls your building. If construction is involved, check with the city to secure any permits needed before you begin to build.
  1. Mini Garden

    • If your soil is deep enough to plant and of reasonable quality, use your patio area to start a small garden or flowerbed. You will probably need to dig the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches and amend it with compost. Select landscaping plants if you prefer a long-term, low-maintenance patio garden, but avoid using trees as their root systems can cause problems with plumbing and foundations in some cases. Place a few large stepping stones to form a path to and from the door.

    Stone or Mulch Alternative

    • If the dirt around your patio is of poor quality or you don't find gardening a pleasure, even on a small scale, you can cover the dirt with stone, mulch or wood chips. First add a weed barrier to prevent stray clumps of grass and nuisance plants from growing up among your rocks; cover with a thick layer of stone or mulch. Mulch is a softer alternative, one which may provide a more welcome place for children to play. Stone may be a better alternative if you have pets that like to dig.


    • If you own your apartment or have a cooperative landlord, you can construct a deck over a patio area where old construction debris, poor clay soil or stony soil interferes with improvement or planting. Decking will cover the soil's poor appearance and allow you to step right over any mud. Decking supplies come in a range of colors and materials, offering owners the ability to personalize their space. The deck can be left open and accessible or can be surrounded by a railing. Add chairs and a table for entertaining or containers of plants for color and variety.

    Pet Area

    • Turn your patio into a small pet area. If soil alone proves too messy for pet use, cover it over with a layer of grass, catnip or another pet-friendly plant. Pets will have a comfortable spot to lie in the sun or a nearby place to answer the call of nature when you don't want to go out for a longer walk. In summer, provide a source of shade by adding a screen or by hanging a sheet to block the most intense sunlight. Pet owners can provide a water dish and a favorite toy to make the space more their pet's own.