Home Garden

Information on Procell Decking

When you're ready to install a deck on your home, the options may seem unending, with the type of material to use just the start of your journey on the path of decision making. From plastic to hardwood and even some types of metal, manufacturers offer a huge variety of decking options, and Procell, a manufacturing company based in Florida, offers unique wood decking that draws many homeowners with its many advantages.
  1. Material

    • Unlike many decking options, Procell decking does not include any wood-based product, not even as a filler for the boards. True wood in decking tends to deteriorate, splinter, rot or fade. Instead, Procell is made of solid vinyl through and through, with no fillers or gaps. The vinyl weighs 30 to 40 percent less than its hardwood competitors. The vinyl surface readily accepts nails or screws without pre-drilling, making the installation process faster and easier, and therefore saving the homeowner time and money.


    • The vinyl material of the Procell decking system is finished and painted to look like a natural wood deck. However, because it is not a natural material, vinyl does not attract insects, mold, rot and other natural issues common with wood decking. The material comes with a partial lifetime guarantee that guards against manufacturer-caused damage, such as cracking or blistering, and will also protect against unexpected insect or mold damage.


    • Procell decking is not treated with any chemicals, making it environmentally-friendly. The decking planks are constructed with a high-pressure grain-embossing system, which, in layman's terms, creates a tight and compact surface. This means that the vinyl will not expand and contract with moisture and temperature changes, like many woods do unless they are treated with chemicals. The tight grain manufacturing system also helps to ensure that the decking surface is smooth, yet slip-resistant, and contributes to the material's resistance to mold and insects.


    • A properly maintained Procell deck can last up to 10 years. It requires no chemical treatment or finishing, unlike many wood surfaces which have to be sealed or stained each year to maintain their look and resilience. A simple washing with soap and water will keep the surface stain-free; you can use dish or hand soap to remove surface stains. The stains will rarely sink deep into the surface because of the tight-grained construction. Regular brushing with a push broom will keep most debris and dirt off the surface.