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Ways to Build Patios

A patio can be an ideal addition to your backyard because it provides outdoor living space that you can use for dining, entertaining or simply lounging in the sun. If you are thinking of building a patio in your yard, there are several construction methods to consider. Finding the right fit for your project depends on factors like how long you want the patio to last, the look you prefer for the surface, the amount of time you have to devote to the project and your skill level.
  1. Mortared

    • Using a mortared pavement base is the most traditional way to build a patio. You begin by digging out an area for the patio until it is at least 4 inches deep and placing a layer of sand or crushed stone on the bottom. Place landscaping fabric over the base to prevent weeds and hardy grasses from growing up through the concrete. Next, spread concrete over the area to create a slab foundation for the bricks, pavers or stones that form the patio. After the concrete has cured, press the patio materials into place in the mortar. Fill in the gaps between the bricks or stones with additional mortar to create an even, finished surface.


    • One of the fastest and easiest ways to install a patio is to use the dry-laid method. This type of patio requires no mortar to hold the bricks, pavers or stones in place. Instead, you place the materials atop a bed of crushed stone or sand. Make sure to compact the bed as tightly as possible to form a solid foundation for the patio. After placing the patio bricks or stones on top of the bed, butt them up against one another for a tight fit. Spread additional sand over the patio and sweep it into the joints between the paving materials to create a solid surface. The advantage of building your patio this way is that it is easy to remove individual bricks, pavers or stones if damage occurs. It also allows you to change your patio's design when the mood strikes.


    • A raised patio is built so the surface is elevated above the ground, which may be necessary in a yard with sloped or uneven terrain. As with a mortared or dry-laid patio, begin by digging out an area for the patio and placing a layer of crushed stone on the bottom. Use cement blocks to create a base for the patio, adding more crushed rock behind each layer of the base wall until you reach the desired height. You may opt to use either the mortared or dry-laid method for setting the brick, stone or pavers in place. However, you may also use a cement surface for the patio if you prefer.

    Stepping Stone

    • To create a more rustic look, you can build your patio with gaps between the individual paving stones, typically measuring between 2 and 3 inches. This type is known as a stepping stone patio; it allows for flowers or ground cover to grow between the stones. You build it using the dry-laid method. However, instead of digging out an entire section of your yard, dig out only the area beneath each stone. Fill the spots in with sand or crushed stone and pack it tightly so you can place the stones on top. Add more sand or crushed rock around each stepping stone to hold it in place.