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Monthly Maintenance of a Rooftop Deck

Stepping out onto a rooftop deck to enjoy the outdoors from above is an enjoyable experience that makes the process of converting a flat roof space into an extended living area worth the work. Regular maintenance of a rooftop deck preserves the integrity of its construction and lengthens its life. Deck maintenance includes cleaning and structural fixes. Even decks constructed of maintenance-free, weather-resistant boards benefit from a monthly maintenance plan.
  1. Monthly Sweeping

    • Sweep or use a blower to clean the rooftop deck's surface. Each month, a dry sweep of the deck removes settled dirt, leaves and debris that if left can accelerate the deterioration of a wood deck. For deck materials that are prone to staining, this monthly maintenance will lessen the chance of debris staining the deck. Sweep the rooftop deck at least once a week, but once a month is the maximum amount of time between sweepings.

    Monthly Cleaning

    • Once a month, give the rooftop deck a good washing. Use a deck-washing solution, or clean the deck with a bucket of water and bleach -- 1 part bleach to 4 parts water. The bleach kills any new mold or mildew formations, and a monthly light cleaning will lessen the need for a heavy-duty deck scrubbing and will keep mold and mildew at bay. Scrub the deck and use a hose or power washer to rinse.

      A good deck cleaning also removes any stuck-on debris that the general sweeping did not remove. Assess the exposure of the deck to the elements. Perhaps the deck may need a cleaning every few months, or in high traffic areas or at high-traffic times, every other week.

    Monthly Inspection

    • Check the integrity of the roof's decking material, support joists, deck hardware and drainage on a monthly basis. Pull and prod at the material to see that its integrity and strength is intact. Promptly repair or replace any weak or damaged areas before the damage extends to large areas of the rooftop deck.

    Stain and Weatherproof

    • Inspect the finish of the deck month by month to determine how soon the rooftop deck requires staining and/or weatherproofing. Applying the protective coating at the first signs of its need for a new one limits the damaging, unprotected exposure of the deck to the sun, and to the bitter cold and moisture of the winter. Apply this coating with a wide stain brush, with even, well-coating strokes and in the direction of the wood grain.


    • Although the rooftop deck is outdoors, ventilate the deck by moving around outdoor furniture and pieces from one location to another, at least every month. The airflow increased to unexposed areas of the deck decreases the unsuspecting buildup of debris, moisture, mold and mildew.

    Deck Furniture

    • Just as the rooftop deck's surface requires periodic maintenance, so do the furniture pieces and accessories decorating the outdoor space. Cushioned seating and fabric-covered pieces require at least a monthly cleaning. Table and counter surfaces, barbecue areas and dining chairs require regular washings. When no longer in use -- or to avoid damage to the furniture on rainy days -- bring the fabric pillows, cushions and chairs indoors to preserve their cleanliness, use and longevity throughout the season.