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DIY Deck Anchors

Deck anchors are the metal plates that hold deck posts onto their concrete footholds. These anchors take the weight of the deck and keep it sturdy and in place. Deck anchors are set just above the concrete footings and are the meeting point between the deck's aboveground and belowground elements. The process of building your own deck starts from the bottom up, and deck anchors are the first aboveground step. Do-it-yourself deck anchors will require some basic tools, building materials and a plan.

Things You'll Need

  • Wooden stakes
  • String
  • Tape measure
  • Concrete footing molds
  • Post hole digger
  • Power auger
  • Ready-mix concrete
  • 2-by-4-inch stud screed
  • 12-inch diameter Sonotube
  • Utility knife
  • 1/2-inch-diameter anchor bolt, nut and washer
  • Wrench
  • Standoff post anchor
  • 4-foot level
  • Anchor bolts
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    • 1

      Use your deck plans to determine the location of your anchor positions and the distance between each of those positions. Start in one corner of the deck area and place a wooden stake into the ground at the center of the spot where the deck anchor will stand. Tie a piece of string to the stake and stretch the string to the next anchor location, where you will insert a second stake. Continue the process until the entire deck perimeter and all of its anchor locations have been marked.

    • 2

      Determine the frost depth for your local area prior to digging your deck anchor holes. Check your local building regulations to find the proper frost depth as it relates to your build site. Use concrete footing form molds to determine the size of hole you will require for each anchor. Use a post hole digger or power auger to dig the holes large enough to receive concrete footing form molds, and deep enough to reach below the local frost line. Check with local building code regulations to determine the acceptable footing sizes and shapes for your area. Have a building inspector approve your anchor holes prior to moving forward.

    • 3

      Insert a concrete footing form mold into each hole until it reaches bottom. Prepare your concrete ready-mix as per the manufacturer's instructions. Fill the form and the hole with concrete. Use a 2-by-4-inch stud to screed the top of the mold so that the concrete has an even and level finish.

    • 4

      Use cut pieces of 12-inch Sonotube to extend the height of the concrete a few inches over ground level. Slide the Sonotube around the concrete footing form mold and cut it to fit using a utility knife. Fill the Sonotube with concrete and use a 2-by-4-inch stud to screed the top.

    • 5

      Place a 1/2-inch-diameter anchor bolt into the center of the concrete with the head facing downward. Allow about 1 inch of the bolt threads to remain uncovered and sticking straight up. Allow the concrete to dry and set for about 7 days before moving ahead.

    • 6

      Fasten a standoff post anchor to the bolt protruding from the top of the concrete footing using a wrench, nut and washer. Place a deck post into the standoff post anchor and check that it sits squarely with a 4-foot level. Fasten the post to the standoff post anchor using a wrench and anchor bolts.