Home Garden

Creative Fences & Decks

Decks and fences can give your landscape added visual appeal if planned and designed properly. You don't have to build the most traditional or basic types of these structures. Plenty of interesting ideas are available to you. With a creatively designed fence or deck, your property will have more style and flair and perhaps even greater financial value.
  1. Shade

    • Incorporate a shade structure into the deck to keep you and your family cool while adding to the visual interest of your property. A gazebo makes an excellent place to stay out of the sun and relax. Placing a small gazebo on the deck deck itself is one possibilty, but you can also connect a gazebo to your deck by building the two structures out of similar materials and connecting them with steps or a walkway.

    Living Fence

    • For homeowners wishing to create a privacy screen while also aiding the environment, a living fence has several advantages. For example, a living bamboo fence grows quickly and absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It also saves on the amount of bamboo cut down in the wild for lumber. Make sure you choose a species that will thrive in your climate. Although bamboo has invasive tendencies, careful pruning and maintenance keeps it in check.

    Pool or Spa

    • Decks built with pressure-treated, deca-resistant wood make good sites for pools or spas. A pool in the middle of a wooden deck gives your family a great recreation area to enjoy water activities or just sit and unwind. You want to ensure that you place a spa, whirlpool or hot tub on the deck with privacy in mind. Consider positioning them for a clear panorama of the night sky to give yourself a good view of the stars.

    Unobstructed View

    • Traditional fencing often uses solid, opaque boards that block any desirable views. Homeowners might resort to chain link fencing, although some people find it unsightly. However, a creative fencing idea can solve this problem. Latticework fencing gives you an attractive wood fence that has openings small enough to keep out any animals, but large enough to allow you to enjoy the view behind the fencing. This design also gives your fence a more artistic look than solid boards.