Home Garden

How to Make an Elevated Patio

An elevated patio can transform a bare part of your yard into an extension of your living space. Making a raised patio entails building a frame of four retaining walls that stand a few inches or feet from the ground and building up a sturdy base to support the pavement. Do-it-yourselfers should plan on a few weeks to complete this project, depending on the material used to construct the retaining walls.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 wooden stakes
  • Long string
  • Tape measure
  • Shovel
  • Hand tamper
  • 3/4-inch gravel
  • Mortar mix
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Electric drill
  • Paddle bit
  • Trowel
  • Retaining wall stones
  • Concave jointer tool
  • Coarse sand
  • Long board
  • Paving stones
  • Level
  • Masonry sand
  • Stiff push broom


    • 1

      Sink four wooden stakes into the corners of the patio site and tie a long string around the stakes. Measure the site’s dimensions with a tape measure to verify the patio will be large enough to fit your furniture and other needs.

    • 2

      Dig out groundcover from within the site with a shovel and dump it on a tarp to replant in other areas of the yard. Continue digging a 12-inch wide 6-inch deep trench around the inner perimeter of the site and tamp the subsoil at the bottom of the trench with the wide flat end of a hand tamper.

    • 3

      Fill 3 inches of the trench with 3/4-inch gravel and tamp it down.

    • 4

      Stir a package of mortar mix with the recommended amount of water in a wheelbarrow with an electric drill and attached paddle bit. Use the end of a trowel to scoop mortar over one side of the trench and spread a 1-inch-deep layer.

    • 5

      Place large, flat stones in the mortar flush against each other to set the first course of the retaining wall. Repeat this process for all four sides of the raised patio walls.

    • 6

      Spread 1/2 inch of mortar over four stones at a time to begin setting the second course. Add 1/4 inch of mortar to the sides of each stone and use a mallet and level to adjust the stones until they’re even. Stagger the joints and continue placing the stones until the second course is complete on all four sides. Use a concave jointer tool to remove excess mortar from the sides and smooth the joints.

    • 7

      Lay the four sides of the retaining wall frame one course at a time until you reach the intended height of the patio or less than 3 feet. Wait two days for the mortar and stones to set. Cover them with a plastic tarp if rain is forecast.

    • 8

      Shovel 3-inch deep layers of 3/4-inch gravel into the site and tamp them down. Build up the base in 3-inch layers at a time until the remaining expanse is equal to the depth of the paving materials plus 1 inch.

    • 9

      Pour an inch of coarse sand over the gravel and spread it smooth by dragging a long board over the surface.

    • 10

      Lay the paving stones or other material over the bed of sand in your planned pattern. Add or remove sand to make the pavement level and set each piece flush against the next.

    • 11

      Brush fine masonry sand into the joints between the paving materials with a stiff push broom.