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How to Get a Stain Out When You're Not at Home

Spilling soup on the front of your shirt or splattering gravy on your pants leaves an embarrassing and unsightly mark for the world to see. Removing the stain while you are out is an easier option than racing home to change, which might mean missing the day or evening's fun. Leaving the house prepared for food spills and stains makes good sense for those who are prone to dribbles and drips.

Things You'll Need

  • Dull-bladed knife or spoon
  • White napkin
  • Flour
  • Club soda
  • Stain-remover pen or towelette
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      Pick solid food off the surface of clothing with your fingers. Scoop up heavy sauces or gravies with a dull-bladed knife or spoon. Gently scrape the food off the material, beginning at the outer edge of the stain and scooping toward the center of the stain to avoid smearing the food on the fabric.

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      Blot the dripped food off the surface of clothing with a white napkin. Do not rub the wet stain; doing so will drive the stain deeper into the clothing fibers.

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      Ask a restaurant server for a bit of flour from the kitchen. Sprinkle the flour over greasy or oily stains to absorb the oil and grease. Let the flour remain on the stain for three to five minutes. Brush the flour off the material with the edge of a napkin. Repeat until the flour no longer absorbs grease or oils.

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      Order a glass of club soda or buy a bottle. Dip a white napkin in the club soda and blot the stain. Work from the outer edges of the stain toward the middle. Dip a dry area of the napkin into the club soda and continue to blot until the stain disappears. If possible, work from the reverse side of the fabric also to push the stain away from the surface of the material.

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      Wet a white napkin with plain cold water if club soda is not available. Dab the stain while constantly turning the napkin to a new area to avoid spreading the stain. Water lightens the stain to make it less noticeable.

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      Dab the stain with a stain-remover pen or towelette, working from the outer rim of the stain toward the middle of the stain until the stain is no longer noticeable.