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How to Cover Pencil Marks on Walls

Lead marks from a pencil are not always the major problem when they show up on walls. A pencil has a hard, sharp point that cuts a groove in soft paint and/or drywall while depositing a lead mark in the groove. Pencil marks scribbled over a home's walls are not unusual when small children live in the home. They also occur for other reasons, such as leveling marks for hanging pictures or simply an accident. Removing and covering pencil marks is not difficult but requires some time and effort to restore the affected walls to their original condition.

Things You'll Need

  • Large hand-held eraser
  • Clean cloth
  • Cloth mask
  • Safety glasses
  • Paintbrush
  • Primer paint
  • Plastic liner
  • Metal paint tray
  • Paint
  • Paint roller
  • Paint roller arm
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      Erase the pencil marks on the walls with a large hand-held eraser.

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      Wipe the walls with a dampened clean cloth, and allow them adequate time to dry completely.

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      Put on a cloth mask and safety glasses, and paint the walls with a smooth, even coat of primer paint. Let the paint dry. Inspect the walls to determine whether or not the pencil marks or other imperfections made by a pencil show through the primer paint.

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      Apply another coat of primer paint if imperfections show through the first coat of primer paint. Wear the cloth mask and safety glasses each time you use primer or paint. Give the second coat of primer adequate time to dry thoroughly.

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      Place a plastic liner in a metal paint tray, and pour a small amount of paint into the tray.

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      Attach a paint roller to a roller arm, and roll it into the metal paint tray, covering the roller lightly and evenly with paint.

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      Stand in front of the middle of a pencil-marked area, and use the paint roller to apply paint from the middle to the edge of the pencil-marked area. The heaviest application of paint deposits on the spot where you first apply the roller, and it must be spread out for an even application of paint. Repeat this task for each pencil-marked area.

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      Inspect the paint after it dries to determine whether or not the pencil marks and other imperfections from a pencil bleed through and are visible. Apply another coat of paint if necessary.