Home Garden

Getting Powder Makeup Out of a Carpet

Your powdered makeup may be a dream when it comes to covering blemishes or adding some color to your cheeks, but finding it on your carpet can be a nightmare. Whether your powdered concealer crumbled, or your toddler smashed up your blush, treating the makeup stain properly will help to get rid of it without harming the carpet. Treat a powdered makeup stain on your carpet as soon as you spot it so it doesn’t inadvertently spread farther.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Rags
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • 1 tablespoon household ammonia
  • Bowl
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      Vacuum the carpet to remove as much of the loose makeup as possible. Avoid using a brush attachment, which can push the makeup farther into the carpet.

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      Dampen a rag with rubbing alcohol. Pat the alcohol onto the makeup spot.

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      Blot the alcohol from the carpet with a fresh rag. Pat again with the alcohol, then blot until the makeup is no longer transferring to the dry rag. Dab the spot with a rag and cool water to rinse, then with a dry rag to absorb the moisture.

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      Combine ½ cup warm water and 1 tablespoon of household ammonia into a clean bowl if any makeup remains on the carpet. Sponge the cleaner onto the stain with a rag, the blot with a dry rag. Repeat until the stain is gone, then rinse and dry the carpet well.