Home Garden

How to Get Tree Sap Off of a Sofa

Sitting on a sofa after hiking, camping or working around trees may result in sticky sap stains on the furniture. Sap may transfer from your clothing directly onto the sofa, marring the fabric upholstery with its gummy residue. Tree sap actually consists of mineral elements -- sugar and hormones dissolved in water. The longer this sticky gunk sets, the more embedded in a sofa’s fabric upholstery it becomes. Promptly remove tree sap from the sofa’s upholstery before the sap sets, dries and hardens.

Things You'll Need

  • White paper towels
  • Dull knife
  • White rag
  • Dry-cleaning solvent
  • Clean towel
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      Blot up fresh sap using white paper towels. Carefully scrape off any dried sap using a dull knife.

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      Dampen a white rag with a couple drops of dry-cleaning solvent. Read the solvent’s label for the specific amount of solvent appropriate for the sap stain and sofa's upholstery fabric.

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      Tamp the sap-stained area of the sofa with the solvent-moistened rag to dissolve the sap.

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      Continue blotting the sap stain with the solvent until all tree sap is dissolved. Fold the rag between blots, and moisten it with more solvent if needed.

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      Blot up any excess dry-cleaning solvent with a clean towel. Leave no solvent in the upholstery.