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How to Get Red Wine Out of a Bedspread

There's no more relaxing way to spend an evening than to curl up in a warm bed with a book or a movie and glass of red wine. It's a risky business though: As you get more comfortable and sleepy, your grip loosens and that glass can slip right out of your hand. But this doesn't have to be the tragic end to your bedspread: If you act quickly, you can save it from a nasty stain.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels
  • Milk
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1/2 cup water
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      Immediately remove the bedspread from the bed to keep the wine from soaking through to the sheets and mattress. Lay the bedspread on a tile or linoleum floor.

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      Blot the wine with a dry paper towel. Don't scrub or apply too much pressure, because this will only drive the stain deeper into the fabric. You just want to remove any excess wine that hasn't yet soaked in.

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      Dip a couple of paper towels in the milk and use them to dab the stain. This should take out much of the wine. Pour a small amount of milk directly on the remainder of the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse.

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      Pour the vinegar and water into a plugged sink or a bucket and dip the stained fabric into it. Let it soak for a few minutes, then machine wash.