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How to Get Mud Out of White Nylon Mesh Shoes

Even the best of intentions aren't always enough to keep white mesh shoes clean. Inclement weather and time spent outdoors contribute toward stains, including mud stains on your white shoes. Since mud contains protein, you must remove the stain carefully to avoid setting it. All's not lost if your white mesh shoes are covered with mud stains. You can get mud off the surface and out of the mesh with careful cleaning procedures and effective stain-removing supplies.

Things You'll Need

  • Trash bag
  • Scrub brush
  • Vacuum
  • 1 tablespoon dishwashing detergent
  • Bucket
  • Sponge
  • Clean cloth
  • 1 teaspoon ammonia
  • Newspaper
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      Lay a plastic trash bag on the ground. Set the muddy white mesh shoes on top of it. Keep the shoes there until the mud dries completely.

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      Pick up one shoe at a time. Flex the shoe to crack the dried mud. Peel off as much dried mud as possible with your fingers.

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      Scrub the exterior of the white mesh shoes with a dry scrub brush to loosen the rest of the dried mud. Vacuum the shoes to remove it.

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      Place one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and two cups of warm water in a bucket. Moisten a sponge with the detergent solution. Sponge the surface of your white mesh shoes to remove the mud stains.

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      Dampen a cloth with water. Sponge the shoes to rinse off the detergent solution.

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      Tackle any remaining mud stains with one teaspoon of ammonia mixed into one cup of warm water. Alternately sponge the white mesh shoes with the diluted ammonia solution and blot them with a dry cloth to remove the rest of the mud.

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      Fill the insides of the shoes with newspaper for the drying process. Set the shoes on a layer of newspaper and allow them to air-dry completely.