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Does WD-40 Clean Oil on a Driveway?

When oil sits on a driveway, the porous concrete or cement absorbs the liquid, resulting in an unpleasant discoloration on the driveway. The eyesore can ruin the look of your driveway and cause it to appear grungy. Instead of dealing with the oil or paving your driveway, remove the stain with WD-40. WD-40 effectively penetrates the oil and cleans the stain from the driveway by breaking down the oil molecules. You may need to apply more than one application of WD-40, depending on the severity of the stain.
  1. About WD-40

    • WD-40 is a household lubricant that you can use on almost any surface. WD-40 actually means water displacement, 40th attempt. The company keeps the ingredients a secret, but states that the product does not contain kerosene, wax, water or chlorofluorocarbons. WD-40 can effectively clean, penetrate, lubricate and displace moisture, which makes it effective at removing oil from a concrete driveway. After you purchase WD-40, you do not have to worry about it ever going bad because it has an infinite shelf.


    • Locate the oil stain on the driveway by inspecting it carefully. If you notice one large oil spot, smaller stains may be nearby. Once you locate the oil stains, spray WD-40 onto the stains to cover them completely. Allow the WD-40 to soak for 15 minutes so it can penetrate the oil. After the WD-40 soaks, rinse it off the driveway with a garden hose. Repeat the application process until you remove the oil stain from the driveway.

    WD-40 and Cat Litter

    • The longer an oil stain sits on the driveway, the more difficult it will be to remove later. If WD-40 does not remove the oil from the driveway by itself, you may need to absorb the oil from the concrete. Spray the oil stain again and cover it with a clay-based cat litter. Brush the cat litter over the oil stain with a broom so that it covers it completely and let it soak for one hour before you brush it off the oil stain. Repeat the process until you remove as much of the oil as possible.


    • Never scrub on concrete driveways with a wire brush because you can damage the finish. When you apply WD-40 to the driveway, wear gloves to protect your skin from the lubricant. After the cat litter absorbs the oil, brush it into a dustpan and dispose of the cat litter in a plastic garbage bag. Take the bag to your local recycling center or hazardous waste management facility. Never throw the cat litter into the trash because the absorbed oil is dangerous to the environment.