Home Garden

The Best Recipe for Getting Red Wine Stain Out of a Carpet

If you drink or serve red wine, it's inevitable that some will eventually spill on your carpet. An enthusiastic conversationalist who gestures with a wine glass, a clumsy guest or even a wagging dog tail can leave you looking at a red stain. There are commercial products available to remove stains, but the faster you act, the easier it will be to remove the stain. Use products already in your cabinet to get the stain out quickly and cheaply.

Things You'll Need

  • Club soda or white wine
  • Cloths or paper towels
  • Salt
  • Ammonia
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      Pour club soda or white wine on the stain as soon as you see it. The carbonation in the club soda will begin to lift the wine from the carpet. White wine neutralizes red wine contents and makes it easier to remove from the carpet. These are more effective if applied when the spill is fresh.

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      Blot as much of the liquid up as you can with a clean cloth or paper towel. Be gentle and blot, don't rub, or you will push the wine further into the carpet fibers. The stain won't be gone, but club soda or white wine will will prevent the stain from setting until you can remove it.

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      Pour salt over the stain and let it sit overnight while the stain is still wet. The salt will turn pink as the carpet absorbs it and it works to lift the red pigment from the carpet. Let it sit for at least six hours or overnight, and then vacuum. This may be enough to remove the stain.

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      Act quickly to remove red wine from the carpet.

      Dilute one teaspoon of ammonia in one cup of warm water and apply to the stain if it's still there. Apply enough so that the spot is wet. Let the solution sit on the carpet for five to 10 minutes, and then blot carefully with clean cloths.