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Removing Minor Scratches in Semi-Chrome Stainless Steel With Polish

Semi-chrome stainless steel provides a durable surface with shine that adds to the appearance of a room. Minor scratches in your semi-chrome surfaces can collect dirt, dust and stain matter, resulting in an eyesore. You can fix minor scratches in a semi-chrome stainless steel surface through various methods, including the use of polish.
  1. Preparing the Surface

    • Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean stainless steel.

      Gritty pieces of dirt and food particles are often the culprits that cause minor scratches in semi-chrome stainless steel items such as chrome-plated sinks, faucets and flatware. To avoid sustaining further damage while fixing the surface, it's important to first remove surface dirt and debris.

      You can prepare the surface for repair by cleaning it with a mixture made with 1 gallon of hot water and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent used for hand-washing dishes. The mild soap solution is effective for removing grease, food and dirt and doesn't add damage the way abrasive cleansers do. Once the surface is clean, rinse it off by wiping it with a damp cloth. Follow up by drying the steel with another cloth.

    Polishing the Scratch Away

    • Minor scratches in semi-chrome stainless steel can often be smoothed out and blended in to improve the surface's appearance. A nonmetal abrasive pad, such as is found on the rougher, green side of double-sided sponges, helps smooth and blend in minor surface scratches. After cleaning the steel surface, rub the abrasive pad in the direction of the scratches so it's moving in a parallel motion over the surface. Continue to rub the steel until the minor scratches begin to blend in with the natural polishing lines that formed when the steel was finished. Wipe the steel surface with a dry cloth.

    Filling in the Scratch, Part 1

    • After some of the minor scratches are removed from the semi-chrome stainless steel surface, it's time to start filling in the larger ones. Paint restorer that's used to fill in scratches on the surface of car paint is ideal for this task. Apply and smooth on the car paint restorer according to the manufacturer's directions. Allow the paint restorer to dry completely and avoid using the steel surface until it's dry.

    Filling in the Scratch, Part 2

    • Add shine, prevent stains and fill in any remaining tiny surface scratches by polishing your semi-chrome stainless steel surface with furniture polish. As the polish fills in the tiny grooves, it also smooths the surface while protecting it from dirt and stain-causing material. Once each month after cleaning the steel, buff it with furniture polish again to maintain smoothness and prevent staining and further scratches.