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Stinky Towels & Their Causes

Stepping out of the shower and drying off with a stinky towel is disheartening. That sour, musty smell often transfers onto your clean skin, which then leaves you smelling less than fresh. A variety of factors cause stinky towels, but don't worry. There are solutions that will leave your towels smelling clean and fresh.
  1. The Washer

    • Believe it or not, the appliance you use to get your towels clean could be causing them to smell. Your washer sees a lot of dirt and grime, as well as its fair share of detergent. The buildup of detergent in the machine, as well as soil buildup, can leave the washer smelling musty. You then toss your towels in to wash and they pick up the odor.

    Sweat and Body Oils

    • You typically use your towels after you get out of the shower or bath and you think your body is perfectly clean. But that just isn't the case. While you have washed your body, natural oils from the skin and hair still linger on you. You then wipe down with a towel and these oils get onto the fabric. When the oils have a chance to sit on the towel, it can cause a foul odor.


    • Exposure to moisture for extended periods of time can cause your towels to smell, and they may even become plagued with mildew. Perhaps you left the towels in the washer for a couple of days after they've finished washing. This can lead to odor. Or maybe you tossed your damp towel on the floor and didn't pick it up for a week. Again, this constant moisture will cause a musty smell on your towels.


    • Even if your towels already smell, you can correct the odor by washing them in the hottest water allowed for the fabric and adding a cup of white vinegar to the washing machine. The vinegar helps to get rid of the odor. To keep your towels from becoming stinky in the future, take them out of the washer within two hours of the load finishing. Hang your towels up where they get adequate air circulation if they are damp from a shower or bath. And don't fold and store the towels while they are even slightly damp. Wash your body diligently with soap while in the shower, particularly areas where you tend to sweat a lot. Keep your washer clean and well-ventilated. Leave the door or lid open when not in use and run a clean cycle once a month with hot water and white vinegar to flush away buildup.