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Homemade Lavender Laundry Rinse

The smell of clean, warm laundry is so well-known it has been made into candles and air fresheners. However, an application of too much soap or bleach and your clothes may left smelling more like chemical cleaners than fresh air. Homemade laundry detergent can have the same cleaning power as the manufactured versions, but you can add anything you want to the mix, including the calming and soothing scent of lavender.
  1. Using Lavender

    • The lavender plant itself is a common herb to grow in home herb gardens and can be an aromatherapist's best friend. The gentle aroma of the lavender is thought to soothes the nerves, so it is commonly used in oil diffusers, incense and even teas to produce a calming effect. According to Backwoods Home Magazine author Nanette Blanchard, the herb itself has antibacterial effects, killing germs and bacteria on a surface. The combined cleaning power and smell make it an ideal choice for a cleaning solution.


    • To create a homemade laundry rinse that leaves clothes clean and smelling fresh (without the use of chemical cleansers), mix 1/2 cup of borax and 1/2 cup of washing soda with 1/2 cup of liquid soap. Castile soap is a common choice for this mixture, since it is produced using olive oil and other natural ingredients without chemical additions. However, you can use any soap, even the liquid laundry detergent you have been using. Add to this mixture five to 10 drops of pure lavender essential oil and stir well. Combine these ingredients with two gallons of hot water and stir or shake well. Don't apply the essential oil directly to the clothing or it could cause staining in this strong form.


    • Before you use this homemade soap for any application, mix or shake it up well, since the different oils and ingredients separate as it sits undisturbed. Use your homemade lavender soap in place of your traditional clothing detergent, using 1/4 to 1/3 cup of the soap for each load of laundry. You can also use the detergent as a pre-washing soak to help loosen and remove tough stains. If the stains are bad enough, dampen a soft bristle brush (like an old toothbrush) with the mixture and rub it straight into the stain. Then soak the clothes overnight in the mixture before washing the next day.

    Other Tips

    • Your homemade lavender laundry soap will also be effective in removing stains from carpets, curtains and other fabrics around the house. Be sure to apply as little of the solution as possible to these areas, especially carpeting, since excess moisture can cause mold problems. Rinse the area with clean, cool water when finished to remove residual suds. If you cannot get liquid soap for your mixture, use grained soap as long as they are fine grains and dissolve in the hot water during mixing.