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How to Measure the Effectiveness of Laundry Detergent

Knowing which laundry detergent is right for your clothes and which ones you believe work the best is a process of trial and error. There is a way to measure the effectiveness of laundry detergent to help you make that choice and see which detergent actually cleans clothes to your standards. Once you've tested detergents, you can choose the one that gave the best results for all your laundry needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Multiple pairs of socks
  • Detergents
  • Washer
  • Dryer
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    • 1

      Select dirty pairs of socks you already need to wash and split the pairs into two piles, separating the pairs so the right sock goes in one pile and the left sock in another.

    • 2

      Create dirty pairs, if desired, by walking around in them on grass, dirt and mud, or dabbing them with ketchup, coffee, mustard or wine. Allow any liquids you added to dry. Sort these intentionally dirty pairs into your two piles from Step 1.

    • 3

      Wash one of the piles of socks using one detergent, following the exact instructions on the packaging. Allow the load to run and then add to the dryer.

    • 4

      Wash the other pile of socks using a different detergent according to its instructions. Let this load run using the same amount and temperature of water. Dry as you did with the first pile.

    • 5

      Sort the socks from the first pile into a single row on top of a table or clean floor. Sort the second load of socks onto the table or floor in a second row, with each sock placed below the match for its original pair.

    • 6

      Compare the pairs of socks to see which row, top or bottom, appears to be cleaner or more stain treated than the other. Use the detergent that was most effective on future loads of laundry, or put it against an unknown detergent and repeat the process to see if another detergent is even more effective.