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Can I Wash a Silk Pillow?

Few materials offer soft, luxurious comfort that can equal the feel of clean silk. Part of this luxurious feeling of silk is the fact that it is a natural fibrous material that must be carefully woven together to form garments or bedding. Because of this delicateness, silk pillows must be washed carefully to remove general dirt and grit or accidental stains to avoid marring the fibers and ruining the feel of the silk.
  1. Machine Wash

    • Always read the instructions on the tags of your pillows before washing. Some manufacturers will limit for their own products how they can be cleaned and cared for. However, in general, silk pillows can be machine washed as long as they are handled carefully. Use only warm water, no hotter than 85 degrees Fahrenheit; work in temperatures in the 60- to 70-degree Fahrenheit range, if possible. Use only mild detergent, and never use bleach to clean silk, even if it is white. Chemical bleach will break down the fibers. Wash using the gentle or delicate cycle on your washing machine.

    Hand Wash

    • You can also hand wash your silk pillows, and this should be done if the tags on the material indicate that it should not be machine washed, if the pillows already have some tears or damage, or if you are only spot-cleaning a certain area of the pillow. As with the washing machine, use only warm water, with a gentle soap such as baby shampoo or mild dish washing soap. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the area with warm water. After one rinse, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to your sink or tub, fill it with water and rinse the pillow through this mixture. The vinegar will neutralize any damaging effects of the soap. Be sure to rinse again after vinegar application to remove the vinegar smell.


    • Only use a dryer if the machine has an air-dry setting, which uses no heat. Even if you use this no-heat setting, the pillow should only be allowed to sit in the dryer for a few minutes; the tossing and turning of the dryer can tear or mar the surface. If the dryer doesn't have this no-heat setting, gently squeeze out the excess water from the silk. Never wring silk, as this will cause permanent wrinkling. Roll up the pillow in a dry towel to remove some of the extra water, and then allow the silk to air dry. Never air dry silk in direct sunlight, or it will be permanently discolored.

    Stain Removal

    • For tough stains that do not come out in the wash or with hand washing, search fabric stores and crafting stores for silk-specific stain removal products. Follow all instructions on the product to ensure a safe cleaning experience. To avoid stains, treat all spills immediately with damp rags or paper towels so that the spilled material does not have time to soak into the silk.