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Causes of Fading Clothing

Your wardrobe is an investment that you wear through your work day, casual time and special occasions. Ensure your clothing lasts as long as possible by understanding what causes clothing to fade over time and with repeated wear and laundering.
  1. Improper Wash Choice

    • Before you ever wash an article of clothing, it is essential to first read the label for that garment's specific wash instructions. Washing a delicate garment in a regular or permanent press cycle can damage the fabric and cause premature fading. Follow the wash instructions on the garment's label.

    Noncolorfast Clothing

    • If you purchase noncolorfast clothing, you can expect a degree of fading over the lifetime of the garment. Noncolorfast clothing is prone to fading as the dye in the fabric bleeds or runs for the first few times the garment is laundered. Check the label of your garment to ensure that it is colorfast before you purchase the clothing.

    Improper Laundry Sorting

    • One of the key rules to doing good laundry is to sort by color as you are preparing to wash. Keep all like colors together such as whites and light colors versus dark colors. Washing white or light colored clothing with dark colors will cause the lighter clothing to dull over time.

    Water Temperature

    • Choosing the proper water temperature can help you ensure that your colors will last as long as possible. Bright colors or delicate clothing are best preserved in water that is classified as cold because it is below 85 degrees. If you are using a cold wash, it is a good practice to buy detergent that is specifically made for cold-water cycles.