Home Garden

Natural Laundry: Eucalyptus and Dust Mites

Coughing, sneezing and watery eyes are often signs that you have a pest problem in your home. Dust mites, the invisible pest, feed on flakes of skin, which makes them quite at home in your clothing. While it's not possible to completely eliminate dust mites, you can reduce their numbers with a small amount of eucalyptus oil.
  1. Eucalyptus Wash

    • According to The Real Essentials essential oil company, 1/2 oz. of eucalyptus oil is all it takes to make your laundry detergent a dust mite-killing solution. Add the oil to your bottle of detergent, shake it to mix it evenly and wash your clothes as normal. Since every load of laundry contains the eucalyptus oil, your clothes, bedding and cloth children's toys will all receive the treatment. Find eucalyptus oil at natural grocery stores.

    Washing Habits

    • Hot water is also a threat to dust mites, so the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises you to wash dust mite-prone items at least once per week. Do this in addition to the eucalyptus wash. Dry laundry items completely because dust mites flock to damp areas. For this reason, a dehumidifier is helpful for decreasing your home's dust mite population.

    Dust Mite-Resistant Fabrics

    • Purchase dust mite-proof covers for your mattresses and pillows. You spend one quarter to one third of your day in bed, so your pillow and mattress are full of dust mites. Ohio State University estimates that as much as 10 percent of the weight of a two-year-old pillow is due to dust mites and their feces.


    • Certain materials appeal less to dust mites, so replacing certain items may prove helpful to reducing dust mite allergy symptoms. OSU recommends synthetic fillings for pillows rather than feathers and down.