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Herbal Remedies to Rid Bed Bugs Out of Clothes

Bed bugs can be a major nuisance in many homes. Often completely unseen, once they have penetrated the upholstery in furniture, they can be difficult to remove without a thorough cleaning, and even then the pieces may have to be discarded. They are most prominent in items such as mattresses, but they can also reside in carpeting, area rugs, linens and even clothing. If you want to get rid of the bugs without the use of harsh cleaners, try some herbal solutions that are gentler on your clothing and still effective against these insects.
  1. Oils and Pyrethins

    • Although organic, pyrethins are a powerful pesticide that can be used to rid your clothing of bed bugs. Combine pyrethins extract with canola or safflower oil in a spray bottle, shaking well to combine. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil, such as lemon or lavender, into the mixture and shake again. Wash your clothes in your usual detergent, but spray each item of clothing with the oil solution before washing. Rinse and dry as usual. Before using the garments, examine the clothing for any signs of bed bugs.


    • Lavender is a powerful herbal combatant against bed bugs. Soak clothing in hot water and drop lavender essential oils into the mixture. Soak for at least an hour. You may see red in the rinse; this is the dirt left behind by bed bugs. Wash your clothes after the soak. Lavender can also be a deterrent against future bed bug problems. Dry fresh lavender flowers and stems by hanging upside down in a paper bag. Wrap several leaves in muslin cloth then secure closed with a safety pin. Suspend in closets, stuff in suitcases or place inside drawers.


    • Mint can be used to deter bed bugs. It can also give your home a fresh and pleasant scent. While it is a pleasant smell to humans, it is a powerful repellent against bed bugs. Place dried mint leaves in a mesh herbal ball and toss into the wash while the clothing is rinsing. You can also use pure mint extract in the cleaning solution.Place several fresh or dried mint leaves in rice paper envelopes in your closets or drawers to deter further bed bug infestation.


    • The dryer is a very powerful killer for bed bugs in your clothing. If they survive the herbal wash, the heat of the dryer will kill them. However, you will need to run your clothes at high heat for at least 20 minutes longer than they actually need. For some garments, this can cause shrinkage. Sew two pieces of fabric together with dried herbs inside, or saturate a cloth rag with mint, black walnut or lavender essential oils. Add to the dryer and dry on the highest heat setting possible.